Thursday, March 1, 2007

Step 6 : Create Your Own Product Based On These Needs

This next step will get you into product creation of your own.

By now (this may be 3, 6 months or more down the road) :

- You have an established ezine or opt-in list…
- Your subscriber list is growing bigger by the day…
- You are making money through various affiliate programs...
- You have residual income from certain affiliate programs…
- You’ve a better idea of what your subscribers are looking for…

You are ready to re-invest some profits into creating your own product!

Follow these points in preparing for your product creation :

- Survey and ask your subscribers what products they want
- Double check the potential at online forums
- Check if there’s a profitable market by determing how many people are searching for it at the search engines. Use tools like , or
- Look offline at magazines, newspapers to see what’s being advertised regularly and successfully.

Find a starving crowd and feed them!

Once you’ve come up with good product ideas, and had researched the market profitability of your ideas, start creating!

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